Photo credit: Rachael Ray Show
Aired June 03, 2015
Ever wonder what The Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper eats to make him look so good? He's walking you through his daily diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus, he's showing you some of his favorite healthy snacks!
So what does Bob eat every day to keep him looking incredible?
Breakfast: “I am a creature of habit; I eat the same thing over and over again. This is my breakfast – that’s scrambled eggs with zucchini and salsa. I like to roast my vegetables a lot, that’s what I did with my zucchini. I hit protein, fat and carbs every single time I eat.”
So, is he a whole egg or egg white kind of guy? “Whole egg, because I want to get the fat, right? I want to get the protein and the fat. However, if I want more volume…I’ll bump it up with extra egg whites. Always two eggs, maybe three, but I’ll stick with the two and then I’ll go to like four egg whites, so it’s like still yellow,” says Bob.
Snack: For a snack a few hours later, he always carries fruit and nut butters on hand.
Lunch: “This is my lunch, this is eggplant with roasted tomatoes with a quinoa pasta…I love the flavor of quinoa pasta, it’s sort of a nutty flavor.”
Snack: Bob carries around a protein shake as a snack.
Dinner: “Dinner is one of my favorite ones…I have a huge salad with chicken, and that’s what I eat. I do a chicken – I do it from rotisserie a lot of times, and I strip it off, throw it in there. I wish you could see how big this salad is!”
Bob’s parting tip is to load up on your veggies. “When you’re counting your calories, that’s what I have to do in my world, I want you to count your protein calories, I want you to count the fat calories. But when it comes to vegetables; that’s why I can have a salad the size of like, you know, my coffee table basically! No one is ever going to gain weight from salad or broccoli.