3 Organizing Hacks Anyone With a Small Closet Can Do—From a TikTok Influencer With 255K Followers

closet organizing
Photo credit: Rachael Ray Show Aired January 04, 2022

Have you ever opened your closet and had piles of clutter staring back at you? Or maybe you’re tight on space with a small closet and looking to make the most of it? Either way, you’re definitely not alone.  

Professional organizer, Leah Mari—@leahmariorganization on TikTok—gained over 255k followers by sharing her tips for getting organized. These are a few of the simple hacks she's shared for making the most of a small closet space.  

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Swap Out Your Hangers 

If you're dealing with tight spaces, Leah Mari suggests going for the thinnest hangers possible to best maximize the space. "Getting slim-line hangers is going to enable you to have more hangers within your rod," she explains. More hangers means more clothing items neatly tucked away in your closet.  


Non-Slip Velvet Hangers

Non-Slip Velvet Hangers


Slimline Hangers

Slimline Hangers

Bed, Bath and Beyond
$28 $13

Use Vertical Space In a New Way 

Shelves don't have to just be for books anymore. Instead of piles of shoes at the bottom of your closet, Leah Mari likes to utilize shelf space to put her shoes on display. "Using shelves is going to help you with vertical space." Leah Mari says. Shelves, especially high up in closets, where space is typically wasted, is an easy way to declutter the space lower down.  

Use Time Spent Getting Dressed to Help You Clear Clutter 

How often do you get rid of old clothes? If the answer is less than once a week, Leah Mari wants you to purge more often. "I suggest trying to get one thing out a week." This way, you're not filling up already tight spaces with clothing items you never even wear. Every time you get dressed, think of it as a mini-purging session and keep a bin nearby to easily discard items that don’t fit properly, are too worn or that you just don’t like.

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