This 4-Year-Old Artist—Who's Already In 3rd Grade + Paints To Help Save Lives—Aspires To Cure Cancer

Life - By on

Get ready to be amazed!

Juliette is a violinist, piano player, singer, martial artist, painter and aspiring doctor… and she's only four years old! Already in third grade, this talented artist is using her passion for good.

Rachael Ray Show

"It's amazing that she has that ability. She has taken no classes," Juliette's dad, Jonathan says. She has been teaching her own classes, though. "I've been giving painting lessons on Zoom and on YouTube, and today I am going to give you and your viewers a painting lesson," the adorable Juliette tells Rach.

"I learned to paint from my brain. I decide what to paint from my imagination," Juliette says. (We weren't kidding about this kid!)

Rachael Ray Show

Juliette's dad is involved with many non-profits, including Asian American Donor Program, an organization "dedicated to increasing the availability of potential stem cell donors for patients with life-threatening diseases curable by a stem cell transplant," according to their mission statement.

"We do outreach for leukemia patients and we get people to be tested, their DNA, so they can be matches for anyone who needs a bone marrow transplant," Jonathan says. "We had an auction as a fundraiser and started out her art at $150…To date, we're at $15,000 to $16,000 for the amount of money that she's raised for the Asian American Donor Program."

"When I grow up I'm going to be a doctor, ballerina, artist, 'piano-ist,' policeman… I'm gonna cure cancer!" Juliette says. Honestly, we believe it! 👏

Rachael Ray Show

After hearing her story, our friends at Circletime — a platform for live, online interactive learning classes — are donating $5,000 to the Asian American Donor Program in Juliette's honor.