Sara Moulton's Countdown to Thanksgiving: Shopping for Food

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Since it's Friday, Sara Moulton's Countdown to Thanksgiving for today includes your check list for the entire weekend as you lead up to the holiday! 

Friday, Day Six: "Go shopping!" Sara says. You'll avoid crowds and be ready to cook more this weekend.

Saturday, Day 5: Make your pie dough, freeze it, and thaw on Wednesday. Bake on the holiday.

Sunday, Day 4: Cut bread into cubes and bake for your stuffing. Pack in a resealable bag and leave out on the counter. "Then on day two we're going to make all the other parts of the stuffing so that you can assemble it on the day-of." Sara also suggests making a sweet potato casserole, which can be frozen for a few days, and the cranberry sauce. "This keeps wonderfully for the next couple of days, it's going to be fine."

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