Follow These 3 Crucial Rules to Get the Best Yard Sale Deals

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If you want to save a few bucks and help the environment by reusing, why not plan to buy used and hit some yard sales this summer? Check out three tips from organizing expert Peter Walsh on how to get the best deals.

No. 1: Dress Down

Don’t wear your best or most expensive clothes to a yard sale. This might affect your ability to negotiate.

No. 2: Haggle

Offer a lower price than what the seller is asking, the worst thing that can happen is that they’ll say no.

No. 3: Buy in Bulk

You are more likely to get a good per-item price if you bundle a bunch of stuff together.

Now if you want to try hosting your own yard sale, we’ve got advice for that too! Click here for 9 tips that will help make your next yard sale the best ever.

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