We all know the essentials we should have in our medicine cabinets: over-the-counter pain killers, cough suppressants, first aid kits, but family physician Dr. Jen Caudle is here to tell us that there are a few things you probably haven't considered. She’s sharing three things you should have in your medicine cabinet, but probably don't—a tape measure, a pill cutter and a digital thermometer.
"If you have a wound anywhere on your body, you can keep track of the size of the wound by measuring it [with a tape measure]. You can also communicate with your doctor the size of the wound, so that they know—especially since a lot of times we're doing things over telemedicine these days—so it's super important. You can also keep track of the progress, so you can see if things are improving," says Dr. Jen. We've never considered this! Definitely adding a tape measure to our medicine cabinets now.