A Smile Makeover

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A Smile Makeover

Hazel says that at 48 years old, her face just doesn't have the energy it used to have. "My smile is just not what is used to be," she laments. Though Hazel can't quite put her finger on where the problem lies, Rachael has a suggestion. "Sometimes what's aging you isn't necessarily what comes to mind," she says. Rachael sends Hazel to Extreme Makeover's @[Dr. Bill Dorfman](http://www.billdorfmandds.com) to see if he can put some zest back into Hazel's smile. Dr. Dorfman explains, "People will spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery and jewelry and makeup, but what they don't realize is that just having a brighter and healthier-looking smile can take years off your appearance." Dr. Dorfman gives Hazel a treatment of Zoom!, a process that can brighten teeth by 8-10 shades in an hour. He also recontours her teeth to smooth out some worn edges. Check out the photos above for the dramatic before and after shots!

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