If you're over 40 and have noticed that your "muffin top" won't go away no matter how much you exercise, there could be another cause. "Syndrome W is a common metabolic disorder due to an abnormality in insulin levels," explains Dr. Harriette Mogul, author of *Syndrome W: A Woman's Guide to Reversing Midlife Weight Gain*. "The W stands for women, weight gain and *waist* gain."
To determine if you suffer from Syndrome W, Dr. Mogul says that your doctor should perform a glucose tolerance test, not just a blood sugar test. "The problem with Syndrome W," Dr. Mogul adds, "is that your insulins are elevated, but your blood sugar levels are totally normal. It's the first discernible evidence that you've got something wrong in a whole spectrum of disorders called insulin resistance."
Dr. Mogul says that Syndrome W is "correctable when detectable," and part of the treatment is a diet that is broken down in a 4-3-2-1 system:
**4** servings of vegetables per day, along with 4 servings of low-fat protein **3** servings of fruits like berries and citrus fruits (preferably low-glycemic index fruits that don't act like sugar and raise your sugar/insulin levels) and 3 starches, like pasta. "BUT," Dr. Mogul stresses, "you have to have those starches later in the day."
**2** servings of mono-unsaturated fats, things like avocado, olive oil, and 2 servings of low fat dairy products **1** serving of any 400-calorie treat, once a week after the first week or two Watch the video above to hear Dr. Mogul explain this diet, and visit @[www.syndromew.com](http://syndromew.com) to find out more about Syndrome W.
**4** servings of vegetables per day, along with 4 servings of low-fat protein **3** servings of fruits like berries and citrus fruits (preferably low-glycemic index fruits that don't act like sugar and raise your sugar/insulin levels) and 3 starches, like pasta. "BUT," Dr. Mogul stresses, "you have to have those starches later in the day."
**2** servings of mono-unsaturated fats, things like avocado, olive oil, and 2 servings of low fat dairy products **1** serving of any 400-calorie treat, once a week after the first week or two Watch the video above to hear Dr. Mogul explain this diet, and visit @[www.syndromew.com](http://syndromew.com) to find out more about Syndrome W.