Felicity Huffman

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Felicity Huffman

When Rachael makes [Bake-In Oozy Bread][1], the smell wafts all the way to Wysteria Lane, and soon Felicity Huffman is popping up at the window! Will she divulge what's going to happen on *Desperate Housewives* in exchange for a piece? "I would," Felicity tells Rachael, "but then I'd have to kill you! Honestly, we find out usually two days before [taping]. They don't trust us because people like you sit us down and ply us with Oozy Bread and we spill our secrets!" But Felicity, who's the coauthor of a book called [*A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend*][2]*: For Every Guy Who Wants to Be One/For Every Girl Who Wants to Build One*, is willing to share *some* secrets, especially when it comes to what men should know if they want to impress a woman: "How you talk to us, that really gets us going," Felicity reveals. "If you're funny or you're charming or you listen to us, you're in for a hell of a night." [Felicity also explains why men should turn the thermostat up][3]. [][3] But as Felicity and her coauthor Patricia Wolff explain, men shouldn't fear that the book is only about pointing out their faults: "It's not sort of lining guys out, it's not just 'straighten up and fly right.' It's also, 'Look, we can be confusing, we can be baffling.' The first chapter is 'All Women Are Crazy.' So, we do address that. It's a tongue-and-cheek guide. We did it as a laugh (until we had the deadline, and then it wasn't so funny). We're certainly not experts -- any two, or four, or a hundred women could write this book." One thing most men and women can relate to -- bad kissers! Felicity says there are six standard types of make-out mistakes, including "The Saint Bernard -- no lips, all tongue, and drool everywhere!" (See her description of all six types in the video clip!) Felicity's book is full of advice (both funny and practical) for men and women. Rachael wants to know, what's the best advice Felicty ever received? "The best advice I received was from my sister. I was one of 7 girls, so I had a lot of mothers growing up which was great. She said, 'It seems obvious, but don't go out with anybody who's not nice. Just don't.' I was like, ok, that's good advice!" [1]: /food/recipes/bake-in-oozy-bread/ [2]: http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Handbook-Boyfriend-Every-Wants/dp/1401302912/sr=8-1/qid=1170178610/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-0260514-2523050?ie=UTF8&s=books [3]: /show/segments/view/felicity-huffmans-practical-advice-for-men/ [4]: /show/segments/view/felicity-huffmans-six-make-out-no-nos/

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