Most judges would be content to hang up their robe after 25 years of public service ... but not the tough-talking @[Judge Judy]( Sheindlin! "This is a very lovely second job!" she tells Rachael, referring to the past 11 seasons of her hit courtroom show that she never anticipated doing -- especially after turning 50. "It's a very good example of keeping your vision open. Life is always about an adventure. So, if somebody says to you, 'Listen, do you want to try something totally new, totally different from what you've been doing?' and you have a feeling that you can do it and it sounds interesting? Then you have to go for it."
Presiding over her courtroom with a no-nonsense attitude, Judge Judy would never think of taking a bribe, but she admits that she has no problem using them with her grandkids! (Click on the video for the full story!)
One thing Judge Judy doesn't have to bribe any of her 11 grandchildren to do is join her in the garden. She invites Rachael along with her and three of her grandkids on a trip to @[Mariani Gardens]( ([Click here]( /show/segments/view/gardening-with-judge-judy/) for their day with Rach!)
Handing down judgments for most of her life, Judge Judy says there are two pieces of advice she has given her children over the years that are most important: "Try to find something you're really naturally adept at and then figure out how to make a living at it because that will make you a happy person forever. Most of us work eight hours a day, five days a week for 40 years -- if you're doing something that you hate, every day is going to be misery." Secondly, she says, "You only have one chance to make a first impression. If the first impression that you make is wrong, then you're going to be clawing to make up for it forever."