Keri Russell

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Keri Russell

Keri Russell stars opposite Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser in the film *Extraordinary Measures,* but it was her role as the pregnant waitress in *Waitress* that won Rachael's heart, who's seen the movie dozens of times. Keri recalls being pregnant at the premiere of that film, and now her son River is 2 ½-years-old. "He's so funny and sweet," says Keri, pointing out that the "terrible 2's" haven't hit. "I'm starting to think it's actually the terrible 3's! Two is still so cozy and nice ... but maybe it's because he doesn't talk that much; he's still sort of caveman-ish in his language so it's less of a problem!" Keri and her husband Shane were married in 2007 on Valentine's Day, and Rachael inquires if they have any special plans to celebrate. "I would like a night away [alone]; I think we're going to try to do something like a dinner and a sleepover," she admits with a smile. "That's right, you heard it!"

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