When *Law & Order: SVU*'s Stephanie March stops by to chat with Rachael, she's shares some scoop on her new Broadway co-star, Liev Shreiber. "He's a huge foodie and a big Rachael Ray fan!" Stephanie reveals. The actress says she's enjoying working opposite Liev in @[*Talk Radio*](http://www.talkradioonbroadway.com), but admits that sometimes members of the audience don't realize they're not at home in their living rooms.
Rachael wants to know if Stephanie's husband, chef [Bobby Flay](/show/segments/view/boys-dont-cook-bobby-flay-begs-to-differ/), cooks for her at home.
"We try to do dinner on Sunday nights because it's the only night we can both plan on being home. He's trying to teach me how to cook a little bit. I really believe everybody should have five recipes that they can do really well, like a basic roasted chicken, a kind of a pasta ... but mine are ordering Thai, ordering Chinese, ordering Japanese! So we're trying to get a little bit better at that. He's creating simple meals at home that I can learn to cook."
Rachael teaches Stephanie how to make [Scampi Verde](/food/recipes/scampi-verde/) so she can impress Bobby!