Oprah's Buddy Nate Berkus

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Oprah's Buddy Nate Berkus

On the new reality show @[*Oprah's Big Give,*](http://www.oprah.com/about/about_oprahsbiggive.jhtml) contestants are challenged to dream up creative and innovative ways to help others. Nate Berkus tells Rachael what it felt like to get a call from Oprah to host the show. "It's out of body!" he says, "I've done makeovers on Oprah's show for six years, so to get the call about this show ... it was absolutely amazing for me! I didn't want to do it to be on TV more, I wanted to do it because it was such an amazing show." Rachael knows what that's like. "It really is a complete emotional roller coaster," she agrees. "But more than anything, it's just an inspiration. You start thinking about your whole life differently. As soon as the show's over, you think, 'What did I do today? What are the things I can do tomorrow?'" In a tribute to *Oprah's Big Give*, Rachael challenges 10 PTA moms to see if they could make a difference for someone in their community -- with just one week and 40 gallons of paint and supplies at their disposal. The moms discuss many ways they can help those in their neighborhood, and decide to clean up their local playground. "It's in bad shape," says Susan, referring to the graffiti markings and vandalized equipment. After the army of moms brave a snowy day to tackle the park, the clean, refurbished playground is reopened in a ribbon-cutting ceremony by the town's mayor. "It was extremely rewarding knowing that we could give back," says one of the moms, "not only to the kids, but to the community -- a park where they can feel safe, where they can come and play and enjoy it. This has inspired us to continue with an organization that we can put together to help people in our community, whether it's a park, the elderly or anybody." "That is the spirit of the show," Nate remarks. "What I hope happens is that people watch *The Big Give* and they're inspired to do things just like that." Creating a new playground for their community was only half of the moms' mission -- [see how their second project lifted the spirits of one special girl living with cerebral palsy](/show/segments/view/giving-big-one-special-girl/).

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