Outdoor Living For Summer

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Outdoor Living For Summer

Ron and Mary have never been able to eat dinner outside. "We barbecue all the time and the kids always want to eat out here, but I don't know where we'd do it," confesses Mary. "After 10 years of eating indoors, we want to go outside." Rach dispatches her DIY buddy [Kristan Cunningham](/show/categories/kristan-cunningham/) to help Ron and Mary create an al fresco place to dine. Kristan points out three areas where Ron and Mary's yard -- and most people's yards -- can use a little help. "First, this stone path you have doesn't lead to anywhere," says Kristan. "Second, you can't see where you're going because there's no light out here. And third, there's no focal point. You guys have done a great job making the inside of your house look custom and beautiful and now we're going to take that look outside and make this yard more substantial." To help Ron and Mary see beyond their grassy lawn and trees, Kristan designs a new focal point: a gazebo. "It's just off the shelf from @[Home Depot](http://www.homedepot.com)," says Kristan, "but we're going to add a bunch of features to it that can be applied to just about any yard." The first feature Kristan adds are pavers to finish the path and give it a final destination. "We're also putting a cluster of pavers on the ground under the gazebo so there will be a floor and make it feel like more of an indoor space," says Kristan. "You can also use gravel or rocks to create a pathway. It's a good rule of thumb that if 50 percent or more of your yard is grass, cover it up and give it a focal point." Now that there's a path leading to the gazebo, Kristan adds a few touches to light the way. "Solar-powered garden lights are so easy to use and cost effective. Since they're powered by the sun, they don't require running cords or underground power," says Kristan. "You just pop them right into the grass." Kristan even has a budget-friendly trick for creating durable outdoor pillows. "Buy double-sided placemats and cut them along the seam," Kristan instructs. "Then slide in a pillow, sew up the seam and there you go -- a decorative pillow all for the price of one placemat!" "Outdoor living is all about low maintenance and comfort," says Kristan. "Think about how you do your living inside and the things you like the most and bring them outside." [][5] [Kristan rolls out the barrel to show you one more "green" product][5]. [][5] [1]: /?q=kristan-cunningham [2]: /show/segments/view/take-it-outside/ [3]: http://www.homedepot.com [4]: /?q=gallery/572/1 [5]: /show/segments/view/wine-barrels-go-green/

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