The Skydiving Granny

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The Skydiving Granny

What's the secret to a long, happy life? Jane Bockstruck of New Hampshire knows. "The key to longevity is eating right and having a good sense of adventure," states the 92-year-old. So it was no surprise to family and friends when Jane decided to take to the skies - and jump out of an airplane! "I was scared to death!" she relates about her jump. "I think I passed out and they carried me out and just kept going!" Though Jane says she probably wouldn't jump again, she's got another daring adventure lined up for her 93rd birthday. "I'm going to try to do a little stunt flying," she tells Rachael, explaining that she may actually stand on the wing of a plane! Rachael beams at the prospect and makes a deal with Jane: "If you're in, I'm in!"

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