Valerie Bertinelli Returns

Valerie Bertinelli Returns

The last time [Valerie Bertinelli](/show/segments/view/valerie-bertinelli/) stopped by, she told Rach about the new diet program she was about to embark on, Jenny Craig. Now Valerie is back ... 30 pounds lighter! Rach wants to know what food made her the most grumpy to give up. "Habañero potato chips!" admits Valerie. "For six months, they haven't been in the house. You're not really supposed to use food as a treat, but ten more pounds and I'll have a habañero chip!" Valerie takes Rach's viewers on a tour of her house to show them what's in her fridge these days, the new jeans that are hanging in her closet, and the old "fat clothes" that she just can't seem to throw out. But she admits that getting rid of those larger size outfits will symbolize an even larger step for her. "If I get rid of the big sizes," she says, "it means I can never go back." Well, Valerie can talk the talk, but can she walk the walk? Watch the video above to see Rachael put her to the test by making her set fire to her fat jeans! The slimmer actress shows Rach one technique she uses to continue to take off pounds. "This is the best invention *ever*!" Valerie exclaims as she explains the Walkvest. "A woman who weighs 130 pounds burns fewer calories than a 150-pound woman. So when you get down to 130 pounds you still want to burn more calories, so you put the vest on." This fall, Valerie is going to visit her son Wolfgang on the road as he tours with his dad Eddie and the guys of Van Halen. But she admits that there's something that worries her more than handling the food on the road. "It's going to be an amazing experience for Wolfie," she says, "but I'm scared to death -- I'm going to keep my eye on every girl out there! I will be there watching the audience making sure no bras or panties are thrown at my son!"

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